

  cathedral-and-east-wall-2014.jpg Receipt for Interment of Richard TunnicliffeThumbnailsGardens Viewed from Cathedral, 2018Receipt for Interment of Richard TunnicliffeThumbnailsGardens Viewed from Cathedral, 2018Receipt for Interment of Richard TunnicliffeThumbnailsGardens Viewed from Cathedral, 2018Receipt for Interment of Richard TunnicliffeThumbnailsGardens Viewed from Cathedral, 2018Receipt for Interment of Richard TunnicliffeThumbnailsGardens Viewed from Cathedral, 2018Receipt for Interment of Richard TunnicliffeThumbnailsGardens Viewed from Cathedral, 2018Receipt for Interment of Richard TunnicliffeThumbnailsGardens Viewed from Cathedral, 2018  
Liverpool Cathedral & East Wall, 2014

Liverpool Cathedral is viewed from an elevated viewpoint on the south-eastern section of the ramps of the cemetery. The sandstone east wall takes up a third of the photo, and the majority trees of the cemetery are bare in February.