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  1960s-st-james-cemetery-hope-st.jpg Tunnel, 1960sThumbnailsSt James' Cemetery & Cathedral Under Construction, 1936Tunnel, 1960sThumbnailsSt James' Cemetery & Cathedral Under Construction, 1936Tunnel, 1960sThumbnailsSt James' Cemetery & Cathedral Under Construction, 1936Tunnel, 1960sThumbnailsSt James' Cemetery & Cathedral Under Construction, 1936Tunnel, 1960sThumbnailsSt James' Cemetery & Cathedral Under Construction, 1936Tunnel, 1960sThumbnailsSt James' Cemetery & Cathedral Under Construction, 1936Tunnel, 1960sThumbnailsSt James' Cemetery & Cathedral Under Construction, 1936  
St James' Cemetery & Hope Street, 1960s

Looking down on Hope Street and the cemetery from the cathedral tower. Gambier Terrace is in the top of the photograph with Hope Street dividing the houses from the cemetery. The ramps and catacombs are clearly visible. The lower part of the cemetery is filled with gravestones and shrubbery. The winding path at the bottom of the image leads to the circular pool of the spring.

Graham Smith/David Wrightson in
Quentin Hughes - Seaport: Architecture & Townscape in Liverpool
Liverpool: Bluecoat Press 1964